Palliative Care

home health

Palliative Care

Focuses on the patient and their family, and is offered to anyone who has a serious or life-limiting illness.

Palliative care is designed to focus on the patient and their family and is offered to anyone who has a serious or life-limiting illness. We are a resource to patients at any stage of their illness. We work in conjunction with your primary care provider and specialists to determine the best symptom management options for you. Our goal is to improve your quality of life by ensuring you achieve optimal symptom management.


  • Provide relief from pain and other distressing symptoms.
  • Assist the patient with meeting their goals and improve health where possible for better quality of life.
  • Ensure patient and family have an understanding of disease and treatment options.
  • Offer a support system to the patient and family through our clinical and support services team.


  • Consultation with a provider and/or medical social worker
  • Advanced care planning
  • Social and spiritual support
  • Bereavement and grief support
  • Review of medical record
  • Symptom management in consultation with provider care team (PCP)


A referral to our Palliative Care program can be made by your PCP, specialist or yourself if you have
one or more of the following:

  • You have been diagnosed with a serious or life-limiting illness.
  • You want to discuss advanced care planning with your family and a practitioner in your home.
  • You are struggling with symptom management or side effects from your disease/treatment.
  • You feel fatigue, making it difficult to attend appointments.
  • You are unsure what the future of your disease may look like.

View our Palliative Care Brochure

Contact us for more information about Palliative Care

Download Palliative Care Program Referral Form
